Trading Pieces
Review by Deathcrush
8.5(pushing 9) / 10

The Cannibal Corpse/Suffocation pure-american-brutal style of death metal has for
too long been played by lame bands with no technical abilities or new ideas. Aside
from the aforementioned founding fathers, few bands have lived up to the high
standards set circa 1990. Well, folks, our saviour is here. From the heartland of
sunny Southern California comes Deeds of Flesh with their album Trading Pieces.
With a simplified, purely technical approach, the band have achieved the intensity
that Cannibal Corpse strived for on Tomb of the Mutilated. With vocals like old
Deicide on PCP, and a drums that never stop crushing, this album impresses on many

Unfortunately, the sound of the strings is not one of those impressing levels.
Trading Pieces would be a strong 9, if not for the weak guitar production; the
drums and vocals are suitably brutal, but the guitar sounds like its being played
underwater, or maybe behind a thick pane of glass. The punishing technical riffs
that Deeds blast through would be much more effective if they were more audible
and distinguishable. Don't get me wrong, now...the guitars aren't total shite or
anything, they're just too damn muddy. I know the band are improving the sound
for the next album, so keep your ears open for these guys...

NOTE: This review was done based on hearing two songs from the album. Due to
difficulties in obtaining any Deeds of Flesh material, I went ahead and reviewed
it based on what I have heard. I deduced from the Deeds material I've heard that
there is not a grand variation of style on the album, and therefore, this is a
relevant review.